Payment on delivery
Live Trout and Fingerlings
Brook and Brown trout price are based on the demand at that time to get prices call Alfred Owen at 828 553 2217 at this time our brown and brook are for our yearly customers so add your name to the list.
We keep live trout of all sizes year round.We deliver live trout year round or you can haul your own loaded at one of our 3 farms
Rainbowtrout 16/lb 30 cents each 4/lb 55 cents each 2/lb $1.00 each 1 lb trout pond side $2.25 per lb loaded on your truck For orders less than 500 lbs delivered price is $3.00 per lb with the first 25 miles no delivery charge additional miles will be $1.25 per loaded mile.We also sell trout feed and will be happy to deliver with your order when possible. Expect delivery with in 48 hours WE have a 300$ min purchase to deliver We guarantee healthy trout at time of delivery Our Prices are set with price and demand asking for our trout.This is 2015 prices we are state certified for North and South Carolina and Tennessee.We will deliver in the eastern half of the United Sates